how to cope with loneliness

How to Cope With Loneliness

Throughout the natural world, many different species of animals instinctively gather in groups, which suggests that belonging evolved for a beneficial reason. As a result, social animals – including humans – become profoundly unhappy when they lack support and connections. Loneliness has become an invisible health crisis in America as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to…

physical stress

How Does Stress Affect the Body?

Feeling overwhelmed by the responsibilities of life can lead to physical symptoms alongside the emotions you are managing. While most of us may recognize the symptoms of stress in ourselves, the effects of these emotions can take a physical toll on our bodies. The physical manifestation of stress varies from person to person, so staying…

borderline personality disorder

What Causes Borderline Personality Disorder?

Borderline personality disorder is a mental illness characterized by low self-esteem, relationship instability and fears of abandonment or being alone. If symptoms like these affect your life, they may leave you wondering why you have trouble maintaining stable, healthy relationships or what causes you to push others away with your unpredictable behavior. Understanding Borderline Personality…


How to Help Someone With Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental health condition in the U.S., affecting up to 18.1% of the population annually. As National Recovery Month continues, learn what you can do to help a loved one manage their anxiety symptoms. 1. Understand How Anxiety Affects Them Not everyone’s anxiety manifests identically. For example, an anxious person…

eating disorder

Eating Disorder Risk Factors, Statistics and Treatment

Eating disorders are complex mental health conditions that can affect people from all walks of life. Two people with the same eating disorder may have very different symptoms and experiences. However, professionals have identified some characteristic eating disorder risk factors that may predict someone’s likelihood of developing disordered eating patterns. Read on to learn more…

a man with a beer bottle looking out on the water asking himself can alcohol cause depression

Can Alcohol Cause Depression

If you have a co-occurring disorder, such as a dependency on alcohol for depression, recovery is sometimes more difficult after a mood disorder treatment program. Depression symptoms can make you consume more alcohol, while alcohol consumption can worsen your depression. So it leaves us asking, can alcohol cause depression? More than 15 million American adults…